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 Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: AK47 
Data:   07-21-05 20:34

Qualcuno sa come autoguidare utilizzando una camera SBIG e lo Sky Sensor?
Esistono adattatori in commercio?

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: Alfonso_ 
Data:   07-21-05 21:07

ciao Piero,
io ho il problema dato che ho la stessa tua camera con lo SS 2000pc.

in effetti a me da sempre un messaggio di errore e non riesco a fare l' autoguida.
nella ML astroccd ho poi avuto conferma che i due apparati non sono compatibili.
Bisogna trovare un modo per rendere compatibili gli strumenti. Credo che convenga sentire Auriga ( come importatore ufficale sbig ) su quale possa essere la soluzione.

se scopri qualcosa tienimi aggiornato.


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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: stefano63 
Data:   07-21-05 22:19


rovistando in yahoogroups - ss2k - ho trovato questo messaggio ( 5293 ) che spiega come fare un cavetto di collegamento tra SBIG e Skysensor 2000

Cieli Sereni

Hi Morgan and others,

I'm unable to find my diagrams etc. so here is a detailed procedure on how to make your own cable for the ST7/8/10 (when using the CFW8 filter wheel) and ST237 cameras to autoguide the SS2K. I will try to post some pics when I can.

SS2K Autoguider Cable for SBIG ST7/8/10 with CFW8
Also works with the ST237A without modifications

By Brady Johnson – This cable has worked fine for me, but I take no responsibility for how it may work for you! If the instructions are unclear, e-mail me off-list and I can try to make them clearer.

The following describes an autoguider cable I have built to use with my SS2KPC and SBIG CCD cameras. It is easy to build and requires no soldering. You will need an RJ-11 crimper, some 6-connector telephone wire and extra heads, and a 6-connector RJ-11 junction box. The parts are all available at Radio Shack.

The easiest way to do this is to consider it in 3 parts:

Part (1) is a short telephone cable that connects to the SS2K autoguider port on one end and with all six wires exposed on the other. These wires will be mated to contact posts inside the junction box.

Part (2) is six-connector junction box with a female plug on one end. The female plug accepts a 6-connector phone cable that comes from the CFW8 DB9 to RJ-11 connector (or from the ST237 CPU box).

Part (3) is a six-connector telephone cable configured as a straight through cable. This means that pin 1 at one end is pin 6 at the other end. Another way to view this is if the cable is lying straight, flat and untwisted, then the RJ-11 heads will be in the same orientation (e.g., both with clips up).

OUTCOME: You will be making a short cable (Part 1) that connects to the junction box (Part 2) and a longer cable (Part 3) that runs between the junction box and the CCD unit. The three pieces in tandem are your autoguider cable.


We’ll make Part 1 first. Start with a length of 6-connector RJ-11 telephone cable (buy it complete with connectors attached - I think they come as 15' ready made cables). Cut the cable about 10 inches from the end that has the white wire in the #1 position. White is wire #1 when the clip is up and the white wire is on your left. To confirm this, turn the cable in your fingers to look at the other side. You should see the gold contacts at the top of the RJ-11 head, and if you can see the wires, the white wire will now be on the right.

Now remove about 2 inches of cable cover from the other end of this piece and expose about ¼ inch of bare wire at the tips of all six wires. Set this piece aside for now.

Next we’ll make Part 3 – the RJ-11 telephone cord. Look at the remaining, longer piece of telephone cable that still has an RJ-11 head on it. You need to crimp a new head on the trimmed end. Do so such that if the cable was lying out straight, flat and untwisted, wire #1 at one end would be wire #6 at the other. To check this, hold the heads up side by side and in the same orientation. If done properly, the order of the colour wires should be opposite each other going from right to left. For example, If the wire colours of the left end of the cable were ordered WBRGYB, the right end should be ordered BYGRBW.

Now we can connect Part 1 to Part 2, which simply involves connecting the bare wires from Part 1 to the posts inside the junction box.

Open the junction box to expose the six connectors. With the female plug on the junction box nearest you, and the junction posts facing up, number the posts as follows:

Starting at the bottom left, assign this post #1, the one above it #2, the one above that #3, then the one across from #3 as #4, the one below #4 as #5 and the last one as #6.



3 4
2 5

1 6

where C is the female RJ-11 plug and P is the pigtail slot

Now we can connect the wires to the junction box.

Connect the white wire from Part 1 to post # 6 on the junction box

Connect the black wire AND the Green wire from Part 1 to post 2 on the junction box

Connect the red wire to from Part 1 post 3 on the junction box

Connect the yellow wire from Part 1 to post 5 on the junction box

Connect the blue wire from Part 1 to post 4 on the junction box

Note: Post 1 on the junction box is not used, but all six wires from Part 1 attach to something.

When all wires are attached, feed your short cable through the pigtail slot of the junction box and put the lid on the box.

Plug your long cable (Part 3) into the female receptacle of the junction box, and your autoguider cable is complete. Just attach the short cable that feeds into the junction box to your SS2K, and connect the longer cable to your CFW8 or ST237 CPU.

Happy autoguiding!

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: Giampaolo (---.pool21345.interbusiness.it)
Data:   07-21-05 22:53

Porca miseria Stefano è come se avessi risposto come si fà il sugo con il tonno!!....Piero non sà quasi un'acca di Inglese!..hehehehe!

Comunque scherzi a parte, mi pare che la sbig preveda un box relè da anteporre allo S.Sensor, poichè quest'ultimo non può comandare l'autoguida in modo diretto.
Io ne uso una autocostruita con protocollo lx200, ma aimè per voi con una MX516.
Penso convenga sentire l'Auriga.

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: astrofilo 
Data:   07-22-05 07:55

Io uso con profitto la Sbig ST4 e lo Skysensor 2000 PC per fare autoguida. Gli unici problemi sono stati all'inizio per imparare la calibrazione (e un cavo saldato male da me).
Non so quale modello SBIG abbiate ma, può darsi, che sia necessario realizzarsi un relais box (http://digilander.libero.it/martinellicarlo/) pere disaccoppiare il tutto, ma non credo che ci siano altri problemi.
Se avete bisogno dello schema di collegamento basta chiedere.
Però non prima di lunedì perché stasera, come rientro da lavorare, parto per un paio di giorni di weekend

Cieli sereni


moderatore ML fotodeepsky

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: Giampaolo (---.pool21345.interbusiness.it)
Data:   07-22-05 09:03

Confermo la necessità del box relè.
Ho sotto mano l'annuario dei telescopi e alla pagine accessori per ccd la sbig prevede un box relè al prezzo di 134 euro, per interfacciare tutte le montature che non supportano la connessione digitale.

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: Alfonso_ 
Data:   07-22-05 21:27

Grazie delle informazioni!

Per Giampaolo:
Vedrò di capire ( al ritorno dalle ferie ) qual' è questo accessorio.

Per Renzo:
abbiamo entrambi la Sbig ST7e.
Io versione nabg, Piero versione abg.

Io con porta parallela. Piero non so.



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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: Maxmilian (---.pool62211.interbusiness.it)
Data:   07-23-05 09:45

Ciao, è necessario solamente un adattatore in quanto i due connettori non sono direttamente compatibili. Io guido senza problemi con la mia ST-10 senza alcun relais box. lo schema si trova facilmente in internet. Se ci riesco faccio una foto di quello che ho realizzato e la posto sul forum.

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 Re: Autoguida co Sky Sensor
Autore: AK47 
Data:   07-25-05 04:15

Se ci riesci te ne sarò gerado.
Sul sito della starlight c'è lo schema del cavo per lo star 2000 ma quello per la ST7 non l'ho trovato.
Non sò se è lo stesso.

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