Autore: Marco(StarEnd)
Data: 10-12-05 16:47
Dal sito di Registax..
"Language files (program interface)
In the table below you can find the available translations of the buttons/controls in RegiStax V3.
1)Copy the language-file of your choice in the RegiStax program directory.
2) Start Registax, open the tab called language (rightside tab) and open the language list.
3) Pick the language of your choice.
Important: This will probably not show the translations when you run RegiStax for the 1st time, after this it should work as planned.
Registax will now have most of its controls/functions translated (for languages that use special characters like chinese/japanese/russian make sure you have these charactersets installed). All messages (and changing texts) are in the current version not translated. "
Il file da scaricare è questo:
| My web site: Astrolab
"Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet" - Nascendo moriamo, e la fine dipende dall'inizio - Manilius